Of 3.2 million U.S. Assemblies of God adherents,
over 44% are from ethnic minorities!
About Us
The Caribbean Fellowship of the Assemblies of God is a voluntary cooperative fellowship in ministry in the entire United States of America designed to serve the needs of the
people of the Caribbean living here.

Articles of Fellowship
According to the Articles of Fellowship, we gather for official meetings biennially, with voice and vote from our members including AG ministers who are from or who have a ministry to people from the Caribbean, church delegates from churches primarily the Caribbean, or with ministry to the Caribbean people, and other members with approval from the fellowship leaders.

Our Goal and Mission
To promote the kingdom of God and building a stronger relationships in existing churches, establishing new churches, and raising up new ministries.
Our Leadership
Bishop John E Cummings
Rev. Cecil Moonsam
Vice President
Rev. Trevor Liburd
Rev. Andrew Ramphal

Our primary functions
Our primary functions are to evangelize, provide spiritual
renewal, provide relationship building and networking
among the members of the fellowship, to assist immigrants
adjusting to life in America, train workers, plant churches,
build bridges to help unite the AG body in ministry and to
represent the Caribbean believers on the Assemblies of
God leadership.
Our Representatives
Rev. Robin Lakhan
New York
Rev. Roy Carryl
New Jersey​
Rev. Trevor Liburd
Warren & Simone Figueira